Art & Culture

Anurag Anand’s Sutras: The threads of a happy life is an intriguing array of colourful paintings

Sutras, the recently revealed collection by artist cum author Anurag Anand communicates the age-old wisdom from Indian mythological texts in an intriguing array of colourful paintings. From Arjuna’s skill and concentration to Abhimanyu’s knowledge (or the part absence of it) which defined his life, Anurag’s paintings force onlookers to pause and think.

Anurag Anand

In addition to the unique combination of colours, Anurag’s paintings are also unique in their rough, sometimes almost gothic treatment of this otherwise delicate and pious subject. “I am inspired by what FN Souza once said – that my paintings should disturb the calm, the smug,” Anurag says, quoting the Indian Modernist Painter. “You might miss the most elegantly crafted works on a wall, but not a Souza,” he adds.

A corporate executive cum bestselling author cum painter, Anurag is buoyed by the response that the Sutras collection has been receiving from art lovers across the world. In the coming months artworks from this collection will be showcased in exhibitions in multiple cities, including Mumbai and New Delhi, where patrons will get an opportunity to view them.

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