
The longest lunar eclipse of the century

Today’s Lunar Eclipse will be the longest of the century. This eclipse will start from 11.54 in the night and will continue  till 3.49  of the next day on July 28.This Lunar eclipse is occurring on the day of Guru Purnima. It is believed to be a divine coincidence. This kind of  coincidence also did occur  in the year 2000, 16 years ago. People are very excited to see the lunar eclipse and learn about it.

It will be the second lunar eclipse of the year. This eclipse will start from 11.54 in the night and will remain the next day on July 28 at 3.49, i.e. this lunar eclipse 2018 will remain for 1 hour and 48 minutes. This longest eclipse of the century will take place on 27th July 2018 night. After this, you will get to see this kind of  long Lunar Eclipse only on June 9, 2123.

As per the rules of devotional coincidence doors of BADRINATH and KEDARNATH shrines will remain closed from Friday until Saturday morning. Due to pollution, it will not be easy to see the eclipse in some metro cities. But people of the rural areas can be able to enjoy a lot of this astronomical event. However, due to the monsoon season it is possible that  clouds may undercover the Eclipse.

During this lunar eclipse, the moon will pass through the center of the earth from the very center of the north. This situation will be of 1 hour and 2 minutes, this is why this time the eclipse will be longer. At the same time, this is also the lunar apoji (Arbital point of the moon located at a distance from Earth, where it appears very small and far away).

Lunar eclipse can be seen with the naked eyes. If you want to go to the open ground or to a nearby park, you can make the moon light. In the language of science, the lunar eclipse is called the astronomical condition when the moon comes in its wings just behind the earth. This happens when the sun, the earth and the moon come in almost a straight line.

In this lunar eclipse, the moon will look red, also called blood moon. This happens when for some time the whole moon passes through the shadow of earth in space. During this, the light of the sun shines while passing through the Earth’s atmosphere. There will be five eclipses this year, out of which 3 are solar eclipses and 2 are lunar eclipses. On July 27, the second moon of 2018 is the eclipse.

The first lunar eclipse of the year 2018 appeared on January 31.After 152 years it was such a lunar eclipse that remained for 77 minutes. During this the moon was 30 percent more bright.



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