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5 Simple Tips to Improve Productivity

We want to finish our 9-5 work as soon as possible and leave for home, but we couldn’t. We just drag our work to the next day, Why? Are we incapable? No. Many people face the same struggle as you do. It simply means they are unable to manage their time efficiently.
|| Bhuvaneswaran P

Here’s a list of 5 productivity tips to boost your work immensely.

Set Timer

Completing a task beyond it’s time limit would be a waste of one’s effort and time so it is imperative that one should track time for each task. It is easy to lose track of time once you start working especially when you are focussed on the work. There are a number of applications to track time or you can use the old school method: “Stop Watch”.

Make a list of the things you want to complete and track time for each activity. This way you will know where you are spending too much time and gradually you can improve on it.

Paint Red

Sounds interesting, isn’t it? This is a very simple method designed especially for students who start to daydream while studying. Take a red pen and draw a small line in the upper corner of the page you are reading when you lose concentration. Keep marking below the line and continue doing so when you deviate from studying.

Once you finish studying you will notice the number of red lines in each page and realize how many times you went off the track. Over time, you will come to reality before you could use the red pen. It helps you stay focused.

Turn off the Gadgets

Social media and gadgets have become an essential part of our routine life. Although it is very useful in many ways, it has become a slow time killer when not used in the intended way.

Limit the use of your phone, use it only when you have the absolute need. Each time you check a notification, your concentration is lost. If silent mode isn’t working, keep your phone away in another room when you are working or studying. You will be less distracted this way.

Remember Your Goal

To start a day without prior planning is like walking on a road without a destination. You will not know where you are going. As soon as you wake up, make a list of things you want to complete within the day.

The best way to boost productivity is to prioritize your work and complete it one by one. This way you will feel motivated and more productive as you slowly finish your tasks. Also remember not to spend too much time on an individual task.

Power Nap

This might sound unbelievable but yes, taking a nap will increase your productivity tremendously. Power nap is basically taking a nap at any time of the day for 15 to 30 minutes. Anything more than 30 minutes can make you muzzy, drowsy or even more tired.

Students, working professionals, literally anyone can benefit from this method. Some benefits of power nap for productivity are

  •   Helps you retain memory.
  •   You can focus much better.
  •   You will feel rejuvenated.
  •   Helps to ease your tiredness.

Final Words

Following these tips isn’t as difficult as your daily workload. It’s just difficult to do all the tasks we want in 24 hours. We are humans after all. Just follow this and you will definitely see a change in your work.

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