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A business mind and sinful body

‘Mother killed by Brother’s SEX’, by Srikant Palapati is a prototypical story of an avaricious mother, abandoned family, and forlorn children trying to survive in a globally recognized city and cryptic title Justifying its genre “Mystery Thriller”.

The story is narrated by Jessica, a 5 year old girl who makes this story even reliable and succeeds to amass the reader’s sentiments. Susanna being a mother more than a woman facing down the chaos in her life, going through a personal crisis enters a world of prostitution. What goes next and what the mysterious title of the book has to serve the infatuated readers, the book qualifies to answer to all these concerns of literary critic.

Book: Mother Killed By brother's Sex
Author: Srikant Palapati
Publisher: Blue Rose Publishers
Prize: INR 199
Pages: 128

The book remains emotional and sympathetic throughout. It talks about various aspects of the vivacity of women, it talks about the struggle one faces and questions on women being sexually objectified for generations.

The rambling title keeps you engrossed in the story and the plot being slow-placed and convincing characters hook you on till the end.

Being in adultery has been taboo for ages, but also an alluring and intriguing subject for writers.
And Srikanth Palapati being ace in this chore touches the nerve and he seems to be succeeding in it. At some point, the characters of the book are questionable, a 5-year-old girl penetrating details of the story, Stalin, brother of Jessica being towed by his own mother into the murky hazy world of depredation. Also, the book talks about a mother who is nonexistent in literature. This is why this book is going to knock your sock off.

Where the story is fabulously scribbled, also we see the perspective of a male writer and the story gives the contemporary reality of sex work and sex worker.
You have an altogether more emotional, ulterior, and sympathetic rationale to read this book.

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