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A Chequered sea of emotions : thoughts that you can connect to

“In my morning walk, I look for the footprint of people who had walked before I did”- one of the lines from A Chequered sea of Emotions hints toward the unaltered emotions that dwell with us but we don’t allow words to express them. Taciturnity holds us. Author Kavita Ravindranath tries to convey the experiences and struggles that life proffers in front of every individual.

Kavita Ravindranath was born in the beautiful steel city, Jamshedpur in 1981. She is a teacher by profession and a writer by heart.

 It is exciting to glimpse into the poet’s perspicacity and observe the world through her eyes.

The book talks about four ingredients of human existence – influence, self-love, desire, and sarcasm. When you are reading slowly and embracing the words and their meaning carefully, each verse seems to talk about your life as if the author knows your sufferings and secrets. Each section of phrases holds your hand, consoles you obscurely and enlightens your path.

 Where the book oscillates between philosophical and emotional aspect, it manages to impress readers in no time.

The book includes a lot of ‘letter to self’ poems. It does have a couple of one-liners and a diary but all the poems in this collection are connected. What makes this book stand out from other poetry books is that in this book, the poet uses her life journey to motivate others, which is quite usual with poetry books however, she still talks general and succeeds in connecting with readers.

“As long as we live, uncertainties keep us company.

When it’s time to leave, only death is certain” – lines like these are at their best with a wide range of emotions and imagery.

If you enjoy poetry with a variance of emotions and philosophy, A chequered sea of emotions is all of that and so much more, you might enjoy it as much as I did. A must-read book, indeed!

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