
An interactive session with Mind Power Wasim

Wasim Khandekar or popularly known as ‘Mind Power Wasim’ is a psychologist, therapist and a motivational speaker. His mission is to provide psychological map, tool, strategy and motivation for personal, professional and organizational growth, excellence and success. He is also very popular in both print and electronic media for providing vital discussions and deliberations on various topics that basically circulate on the theme of interlinked connection between mind and brain, and this crucial connection or relationship is basically responsible for creating an individual’s idiosyncratic personality. Over the years, Wasim has also conducted more than 100 workshops on psychological aspects, to ameliorate the distressing lives of many individuals.

Mind Power Wasim’s model of operation is evolutionary, which makes him unique in his own field. The psychologist revealed that to understand and perceive the different dynamics that actually manipulate an individual’s mind and brain was his most sought after desire. The popular mind specialist clearly said that, “When I think of myself, I cannot do anything else other than the stuffs that I have been doing. To understand the different perspectives of an individual’s structural and mental characterization is my passion, creativity as well as inspiration. I havebeen associated with this profession for last 8 years and in reality, this work culture of mine suits me perfectly.”

At a time, when most of the youths suffer from issues like depression, fear and anxiety, lack of self confidence etc, the experienced mind therapist provided crucial inputs to eliminate all these issues, so that the youths can again refurbish and revamp their distressing lives.

Speaking of depression, Wasim tried to explain the causes of depression by giving a distinct definition of it. According to Wasim, “Depression is an ordeal which is experienced metaphorically, or at times depression also occurs if there is some imbalance in the neurocortical pathways.’’ He further revealed that in case there was no psychological issue associated with depression, then it might be because of neurological or physical reasons as well.

A concerned Wasim also added the fact that most of the time a person is depressed because that person presumes himself to be depressed without trying to know or understand the logic behind his depression. To explain this theory, Wasim cited a very common example from our day to day lives. He said that, “Suppose if a person is not experiencing his usual sleep during the night time, then there must be some reasons associated with it. A valid reason might be that the person slept continuously during the day time. In such a scenario, if the person thinks that he couldn’t sleep because he was depressed, then that is absolutely not correct. So in other words, depression is a state of mind that we often create ourselves.” However the optimistic mind therapist even didn’t forget to mention the fact that, in case the reason of depression was psychological, then depression must be treated scientifically in a proper manner.

The experience of dealing with many people, especially the youths, has made the dynamic behavioural modification therapist and trainer to believe the fact that lack of self confidence is a major hindrance between youths and their success rates. Mind Power Wasim very convincingly said that, “None is born without confidence. Lack of confidence occurs only because sometimes a child presumes that he is not confident, while doing stuffs or sometimes may be because he becomes over conscious.” He was also of the view that the society as well as good parenting could also work together wonderfully in instigating confidence in a child or save him from suffering from the problem of lack of self confidence.

In a hilarious way, Wasim also said that, “I often come across individuals who call me over phone and say that he or she is not confident,but later figure out the solutions of their specific problems by themselves only, when I use my own techniques to make them realize the solutions of their predicaments. So basically the solutions of the difficulties lingering can be figured out by an individual himself very easily. Hence developing the skill to figure out the solutions of all the complications is the key to eliminate all troubles.”Interestingly even after being a motivational speaker, Wasim believed that a person could be his or her own motivational speaker, and there was absolutely no need of hiring a motivational speaker.

At a time, when most of the youths are crippled with fear of everything, therapist Wasim’s inputs or tips to tackle fear can really come as an aid for the same.
In an informative way Wasim said that, “We are born with the fear of only two things, i.e. the fear of falling and the fear of loud noises. In fact, the fear of falling and the fear of loud noises can be rather tagged as preventive measures to protect our lives. Apart from these two, rest all kinds of fear are either gained or learnt.”

Mind Power Wasim has been really crucial in revamping the lives of many individuals. Wasim believes in awaking the inner self of an individual rather than raising awareness. Thus, he in a nutshell described his entire work culture as a means to help the people improve the map of reality. (Map here denotes ‘neuro cortical maps’)

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