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BJP government is strangling democracy: Srinivas BV

Indian Youth Congress today raised its voice by demonstrating against the malicious action by the BJP government against the Congress President, Smt. Sonia Gandhi

New Delhi: Indian Youth Congress today raised its voice by demonstrating against the malicious action of the BJP government towards Congress President Smt. Sonia Gandhi. On this occasion, the National President of Indian Youth Congress, Srinivas BV said that today the democratic system is being brutally murdered in our country, whose conspirator is the Prime Minister of this country. Congress has started its protest against this dictatorship and now we are not going to go back down at any cost.

The National President of Indian Youth Congress, Srinivas BV said that the dictatorial government will not be able to crush our spirits by taking us it into police custody. We will end the suppression of the dictatorial rule of the BJP with Satyagraha. Fighting against the dictatorial rule – Gandhi, Nehru, Patel also went to jail. We are also not afraid of the prison of this dictatorial government. The central government is also afraid of peaceful Satyagraha, the government wants to suppress the voice of the opposition, this is why Rahul Gandhi, who was marching peacefully, was forcibly detained by the police without any reason. It is highly condemnable, the central government is acting with a sense of vengeance, first in the Lok Sabha and then in the Rajya Sabha, Congress party MPs are being suspended, the government is doing all this because they don’t want to discuss the main issues of the country. They want to divert the attention of the public, but the public is understanding everything and will stand with the truth in this battle of truth and lies and ultimately the victory will be of the truth.

National President of Indian Youth Congress Srinivas BV said that ED, CBI, and Income Tax are the new frontal of BJP, through these, they are doing dirty politics of vendetta and killing the Constitution, but they won’t be able to suppress our voice in the Parliament or on the streets.

The National President of the Indian Youth Congress, Srinivas BV also said that we want to tell the BJP government that democracy has two wheels, one of ruling party and one of opposition. If even one wheel slips, the car of democracy will stop there. He demanded that the Central Government should stop this action which is being taken in the spirit of political malice, because the Congress party is not afraid of these antics and should debate on unemployment, inflation and other issues that country is facing today and find out their solutions.

During this, national office bearers of Youth Congress and many workers were present.

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