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Book Review: Colours of Red

To find a good quantity of fun, drama, entertainment and a new world to experience, one always chooses to open up a book. Being a reader who came across almost every kind of book starting from the meaning of life related books to the books on love and betrayal, I’ve always noticed how the books have all got just one destination and that’s the end of the book which holds the actual key to the complete fun.

A book speaks of variations everytime in terms of the plotline it carries along and this book holds up the reader which can be most probably be referred with the term spectacular.

This book is quite an interesting one as it did make me stay connected for a good period.

Rakesh Kumar Singh, Author

Red colour has always been the bright, vibrant and vividly sharpest colour visible in the dark as well but when the red occupies the eyes, it takes the form of anger, love, builds up the need to get the authority under control or its love at times. The author made it possible to make this book appear very much visible with its bold and powerful story

This book “Colours of Red” superbly stands for the extensive spectrum of the shade red that depicts a soldier’s lifestyles in naxal affected area ‘red corridor’.

It is based on the conflict region at Bastar, Chattisgarh and is the tale of a paramilitary officer present there and is indulged in the criss cross of existence.

Shaurya being the centre of secrets and the protagonist, and he is not ready to take it as punishment to quit his Bohemian lifestyle.

He is stuck up inside the Dandkarnya forest and sometimes feel that he is doomed for life. While on one end he goes through extreme loneliness and feels as though he is caught in a cage, to an extent, I’ve easily connected with the lead protagonist’s life and pattern of life he lives.

Irrespective of what goes on inside him, he does what he thinks is morally correct and attempts to alter within the lifestyle of Bastar, additionally in an attempt to counteract his misery and loneliness.

When every shred of hope felt dead, he met Shenaya, a lovely younger woman who is there in search her own journey of self discovery. They both meet and are got drawn to every other. They come to be each other’s help and he or she ultimately places a forestall to Shaurya’s pitiable state of loneliness. They subsequently find their peace as they have an affair which were stunning, mature and at intellectual level too.

The book announces a direct way to get insight and know about how the naxals and the soldiers and the way things have been happening in Chattisgarh with the people over there.

Just as they feel, the entirety is in the end working properly, their little Bastar sojourn turns the wrong way up. They are trapped in a maze from which they haven’t any way out and feature fallen prey to it.

It’s honestly wonderful experience to examine such book. There’s so much to take from the character’s lifestyles but he simply has to endure the entirely different lifestyles places her/him through. No be counted what number of volcanoes are erupting within him, he has to live dormant at all times.

I surely cherished the identify of the this book. It’s very considerate, how one colour will have such a lot of shades, love, blood, ache and so forth.

Loved analyzing it!
The writing style being very lucid and easily sufficient for an ordinary reader to recognize, it appeared to be a good read.

Cover page appears to be a storyteller of its own with the way it holds a rose amidst the droplets of blood. I found the title to be suitable pretty much with the content although I hold another version of the title in my head after witnessing the tale in a manner magnificent.

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