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Book Review: The Atypical Tale of a Typical Indian Woman!

Kanika Saxena’s “The Atypical Tale of a Typical Indian Woman!” is a book on women’s empowerment. In her book, she has focused on women empowerment to increase their ability to face the world confidently with fervour and boldness. She has talked about the challenges any woman faces and how she overcomes them in today’s day and age. She has especially emphasised upon the challenges an indian woman faces in her day to day life. The author says that her inspiration for writing this book is all the women she knows. She has aimed at the mindset women have which prevents them from freeing their own selves.
The author has self-published this book on kindle as a part of pen to publish 4 contest. According to the rules of the contest, the book had to be self-published. Self-publishing was a cakewalk for her because this is the third book she self-published. While she was working for an IT firm as a content writer, she had an opportunity to edit a book written by a Danish author. The whole process of book editing made her step into the world of writing, thus far she has written 4 books since June 2020. “The Atypical Tale of a Typical Indian Woman” is her fourth writing. Kanika Saxena inspires the readers, especially women, to understand their inner power and love and respect themselves for who they are. She also talks about how male readers can enhance the quality of life of women around them. Overall, it is a much needed book for the current day and age and anyone who understands it would surely feel empowered to break the shackles and find their inner freedom in a society perplexed by patriarchy and prejudices.

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