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Book Review: Whispers of Ruins

A book that has the elements of mystery and wonder becomes a work of instant interest to the readers. Navin Kumar’s “Whispers of Ruins: Quest for Rama’s Dossier” is one such book that picks up strings of the lives of different people together irrespective of their cross-borders or cross-cultural or gender identities and concocts them together on the canvas of the text. The author picks up the stories from different ends as the chapters switch one after the other and make the readers join the dots as he gives required inputs wherever there is a need. There is the presence of the element of mystery, not in the literal sense. Instead, it is in the air that lurks the surface of the text.

Author Navin Kumar

It may appear that Kumar’s work follows the structure of a frame narrative, but it can be more strongly said that there are multiple narratives that operate in the main framework. This is one of the captivating factors of the text, which keeps the readers holding on to “Whispers of the Ruins” as it unfolds itself. The author takes his time to develop the events that conspire to how the universe plans them, and all the loose strings are tied up once the groundwork is appropriately done. He manages to convey numerous details in the lesser pages of his book. This makes the work attractive as there is attention to detail without any divergence. In addition, knowledgeable readers would also be able to see the hard work the author has done in research before writing the book. The references to historical facts show the insightfulness of the author.

Readers who are interested in reading books replete with elements of suspense can take “Whispers of the Ruins” for reading and have a thrilling experience in reading. The other factors that can be of attraction include a text which appears loosely written on the surface yet is well-knit and woven into a compact whole. He depicts the life of ordinary people in their spaces and what makes the book interesting is their belonging to different parts of the world. This makes the stories appear as anyone’s story irrespective of who they are or where they belong to.

Author : Navin kumar
Book name : Whispers of Ruins
Book length : 197 pages
Price : 99₹ (amazon)
Version : Kindle
Review by : Bookshillstation

The frequent shifts of the narrative make sure that the readers are not fixed in terms of their involvement. Sometimes, they are directly involved, while sometimes, they become observers and passive receptors. This gives them an opportunity to ponder over the happenings and guess how they can be related to each other. The language that the author uses and the attention to characters’ details make sure that the book becomes a memorable reading experience. At the same time, the characters in “Whispers of the Ruins” are not far-fetched products of idealism. They are, more or less, products of the same circumstances that an average human is from any country or any background. Therefore, the readers should take Kumar’s work and try to understand the whispers of the ruins he talks about.

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