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Chandrayaan-2 ,entered into the fourth orbit

Chandrayaan-2 will be in the nearest orbit on September 4
Soft landing on the lunar surface on September 7

|| Neelam Kamal

The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) will put Chandrayaan-2 in the fourth orbit of the moon between 6 to 7 pm on August 30. After this, Chandrayaan-2 will revolve around the moon in 126 km apogee (the shortest distance from the moon) and 164 km perigee (the longest distance from the moon). For the next 2 days, Chandrayaan-2 will revolve around the moon in this orbit. After this, the fifth grade will be put on September 1 between 6 to 7 pm. Then it will revolve around the moon in 114 km apogee and 128 km perigee.


On 7 September, Chandrayaan-2 will overtake its ancestor Chandrayaan-1. Chandrayaan-1 orbiter revolved around the moon in an orbit of 100 km. This time the orbiter of Chandrayaan-2 will also rotate in the same, but Vikram Lander and Pragyan Rover will land on the south pole of the moon. It is here that Chandrayaan-2 will overtake its ancestor.

On 20 August, Chandrayaan-2 was lowered to the moon’s orbit.

ISRO scientists successfully delivered Chandrayaan-2 into the first orbit of the moon on Tuesday, 20 August. ISRO scientists on Tuesday reduced the speed of Chandrayaan from 10.98 km per second to about 1.98 km per second. The speed of Chandrayaan-2 was reduced by 90 percent so that it does not fall under the influence of the moon’s gravitational force. The entry of Chandrayaan-2 into the lunar orbit on Tuesday, August 20 was extremely challenging for ISRO scientists. However, our scientists completed it with great efficiency and accuracy.


On September 2, Vikram Lander and Pragyan Rover will be separated from the launched vehicle

After changing the orbits around the moon 4 times, the Vikram lander will exit from Chandrayaan-2. Vikram Lander will start moving towards the moon with the Pragyan Rover inside him.


Vikram Lander’s fitness will be examined on 3 September

On September 3, to check the fitness of Vikram Lander, ISRO scientists will turn on  engine for 3 seconds and make minor changes in  class.

Chandrayaan-2 will reach the nearest moon on September 4

ISRO scientist will deliver Vikram Lander to the nearest orbit of the moon on 4 September. The Apogee of this orbit will be 35 km and Periji 97 km. For the next three days, Vikram Lander will keep circling the moon in this orbit. During this time, ISRO scientists Vikram Lander and Pragyan Rover will continue to investigate the futness condition.

September 7 will be the most challenging, Vikram Lander will land on the moon

  • 1:40 pm (Bad night of 6 and 7 September) – Vikram Lander will start descending to the south pole of the moon from a height of 35 km. This will be a very challenging task for ISRO scientists.
  • 1:55 pm – Vikram Lander will land in the ground between two craters Manginus-C and Simpelius-N at the South Pole. The lander will land on the lunar surface at a speed of 2 meters per second. These 15 minutes will be very stressful.
  • 3.55 pm – Vikram Lander’s ramp will open after about 2 hours of landing. Through this, the 6-wheeled Pragyan Rover will land on the moon’s surface.
  • 5.05 am – Solar panel of Pragyan Rover will open. Through this solar panel, it will gain energy.
  • 5.10 am – Pragyan Rover will start walking on the surface of the moon. It will travel for 14 days on the lunar surface at a speed of one centimeter per second. During this time, it will cover a distance of 500 meters.

On September 7, Chandrayaan-2 will land on the south pole of the moon. Chandrayaan-2 was launched from Sriharikota Launch Center on 22 July. Earlier on August 14, Chandrayaan-2 was put in the Trans Lunar Orbit. It is expected that on September 7,


Prime Minister Narendra Modi will watch Chandrayaan-2’s landing on the moon’s south pole live.


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