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Concealing Slums ahead of Big Brother, Trumph’s Visit to India: Gujarat

US President Donald Trump is scheduled to visit India with his wife Melania for two days at the invitation of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. He and Prime Minister Modi will reach Ahmedabad in Gujarat on 24 February. Here both leaders will also participate in a roadshow.

|| Karamvir Kamal

As such, the Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation (AMC) is now building a wall along the road connecting Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel International Airport to Indira Bridge to hide the slum area. The wall that the civic body is constructing is more than half a kilometer long and six to seven feet high. It is being built around the Sardar Patel Stadium in as part of a beautification drive on the road leading from Ahmedabad Airport to Gandhinagar.

A senior AMC(Ahmadabad Municipal Corporation) official said, ‘A 6-7 feet high wall is being built to hide slums at an estimated 600 meters. Plantation drive will also be conducted here. The population of 2500, residing in more than 500 kutcha houses, is part of the ‘Sarni-was’ slum area.

AMC will plant palm trees under beautification on the banks of the Sabarmati river. Earlier such beautification was done when Japanese Prime Minister ‘Shinzo Abe’ had visited to attend the 12th India-Japan Annual Summit in 2017 on a two-day visit to Gujarat with his wife ‘Aki Abe’.


President Donald Trump has shared a video on Wednesday in which he is seen telling journalists that Prime Minister Modi has told him that 5 to 7 million people will be present from the airport to the new stadium (Motera) Which is almost the entire population of Ahmedabad city.

Donald Trump could not able to come on Republic Day. India invited Trump to attend the event as the chief guest on Republic Day last year, but the US president was unable to attend the ceremony due to his busy schedule.

Before Trump, his predecessor US President Barack Obama also had visited India twice in 2010 and 2015. In 2015, Obama became the Chief Guest on Republic Day. During that time there were several important trade agreements between India and America.

The foundation of the invitation was laid in ‘Howdy Modi’

Prime Minister Modi had visited the US in September last year. Where he addressed ‘Howdy Modi’, a huge rally of 50,000 people in Houston. It was hosted by PM Modi. During this time, Trump and PM shared the stage and Trump was invited by PM Modi to visit India.

Modi had urged at that his visit to India would give a new height to the shared dreams of the two countries.

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