
‘Criminals in politics is like cancer’:The Supreme Court of India


The Chief Justice Deepak Mishra, some days before his retirement combining four other key judges in the said bench tabled down one of immense important hearing in regard to criminalization of Politics. The Supreme Court remarked that every citizen of this nation has the right to aware of the past records and criminal history of the political leaders who entered into the ring of election to fight. When the candidate reveals all the information about himself truthfully, the elections must be more fair and independent.

Under the existing law, only five years or more is the rule of prevention from contesting election only after being found guilty as a convicted criminal. In the petition, there was a demand for an ineligible contract to contest the elections when the charges were fixed in such cases.

But the Supreme Court left this work of making the law to the Parliament of India.

Refusing to stop the criminal proceedings against political leaders of India ,the Apex Court compared the ascending scale of Criminalization in Indian Politics as if the deadly cancer. Even the Supreme court did seem this situation as extremely disastrous crossing all the lines of “LAXMAN REKHA’(Crossing all the lines of patience and statute).In a advisable attitude the Highest court of the country also did alert the Parliament of India being the temple of world’s largest democracy. How ever many politicians in this country having criminal records were also issued clear instructions for clearance of their criminal records.

The Constitutional Bench comprising of 5 judges led by Chief Justice Deepak Mishra urged that criminalization of politics and corruption are weakening the root of Indian democracy like termites.

To get out of this democratic hazard, it is essential for Parliament to enact the law so that criminals facing the criminal cases would not enter the political corridors and culpability in politics also can be eliminated. The court addressed that democracy can not be forced to being silent, deaf and to being mere a mute spectators towards  sky rocketing corruption  leaving the citizens  helpless. The nation is eagerly awaiting that the legislators and judiciary both themselves to come forward and to make a law to save and secure the great Democracy in India.

The Supreme Court said that the Election Commission has been given full powers, yet it has to work according to the law made by Parliament. The Commission has the right to conduct fair, independent elections, yet there is a limit to its rights. It was argued that existing legal provisions are not able to prevent criminals from coming into politics.


Every Candidate who intends to contest the election will have to fill up the information in the form given by the Election Commission. 

If there is a criminal case pending, its information should be given in bold letters. 

The responsibility of the party is to give the Candidate’s old record information on the website.

 Describe Criminal Records via both the candidate and the political party through the media. 


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