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Earth Day goes digital connecting the globe virtually!

On April 22 as Earth Day goes digital, the world will seize all the tools and actions that we have, big and small, to change our lives and change our world — not for one day, but forever.
|| Elsie Gabriel

This year in India join The Climate Reality Project and Earth day network to take action. Participate in the webinar at 12 noon tomorrow April 22 and live on Facebook, bringing together experts to elaborate on taking action this Earth day.

Under social distancing restrictions in place around the world to fight the spread of coronavirus, the millions of people who were expected to fill parks, stadiums, universities and plazas around the world Wednesday to mark the annual day devoted to environmental protection will instead rally online.
Creating and sustaining clean communities is a vital mission for Earth Day Network and its Great Global Cleanup. At all times, the safety of dedicated organizers and volunteers is of the utmost importance.

To comply with national , state and local advisories in response to COVID-19, thousands of organized cleanups will be impacted.There will always be another date to conduct these but for now the world is taking action digitally.

Earth Day 2020 comes 50 years after the first Earth Day which, in 1970, mobilized over 20 million citizens to demand action on the environmental challenges of the time. Today, Earth Day is observed in around 190 countries and close to 100,000 organizations. More than 1 billion people now participate in Earth Day activities each year, making it the largest civic observance in the world. Strongly believing in the role of youth, and that the environment knows no boundaries.

World’s key experts all over the world will gather virtually , ‘meet’ to fast forward the creative solutions needed to build a better future and avert the biggest crisis facing humanity.

Kathleen Rogers, President of Earth Day Network, said: “We are delighted to be working together with We Don’t Have Time on this conference spotlighting the amazing solutions and inordinate opportunities to fast forward a climate safe future”.

“The Corona Virus has dramatically changed the way of all us will be marking Earth Day 2020,” she said.

“Together, and with hundreds of millions of people around the globe we are making it clear to leaders that people everywhere are behind ambitious action and the answers to the climate crisis are here and ready to be deployed,” said Ms Rogers.

The Webinar on April 22 will highlight daily challenges for individuals to take to fight climate change in the face of the coronavirus pandemic.

Recognizing the ever-changing ability of individuals to move and act outside in light of the novel coronavirus outbreak worldwide, all actions in the global challenge can be either taken online or from the safety of one’s home.

While we collectively take action as individuals to bend the curve and reduce the spread of coronavirus, we cannot lose sight of the bigger picture — our global climate crisis.”

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