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Efforts to Control Gun Culture in America

America, which speaks the language of violence, which supports violence, which brings a storm of weapons in the world, when it itself started becoming a victim of violence, then its time of self realization. The biggest difficulty of the modern civilization of America has been that violence has become so comfortable here that everything has been answered only in the language of violence. The environment of violence there has become so strong that the people there have become very insecure in their own homes due to the gun-culture there. After taking the brunt of the easy availability of guns for a long time, the people there have started opening a front against it at their level and President Joe Biden has been forced to sign an executive order related to curbing the misuse of weapons.
|| Lalit Garg

In June last year, a large number of people took to the streets demanding a change in the law related to the purchase and sale of guns. What is needed is that along with giving relief to the victims of this problem, strict laws should be brought on the buyers of guns as well as its manufacturers and sellers. Like in America, gun-culture flourishing in Punjab also needs to be controlled.

In America, such news kept coming every day that some madman started firing indiscriminately with his gun somewhere in the school or sometimes in the market and people were unnecessarily killed in it. One of the major reasons behind this is the easy availability of all kinds of guns to the common people there and the use of these guns for indiscriminate firing on trivial matters and hysterics, which continues to be a cause of deep concern. There is always a fear of some major untoward happening due to the whims of a crazy person in the life of the common people, their beliefs and loyalties have been so wounded that there is no protective shield like trust between man and man.

 It is difficult to say who hides such an ugly and insane mind within the clean faces. America’s arms race and technological race is pushing the entire human race into a corner from which it has become difficult to return. Now, along with the world, America itself is a victim of these weapons and violent mentality.

The entire humanity is moaning and suffering because of the bad culture that America has spread in the world to establish supremacy over the world and to flourish its arms business. America has talked about the New World Order, it has talked about openness, it seems that the “world man” is suffocating and wants to come out of the suffocation. See the irony that America is the most powerful and secure country in the world but its citizens are the most insecure and feared citizens. There are more prisoners in the jails there than in any other country in the world. There have been many such incidents that suddenly some madman started firing at a restaurant, hotel or gathering and a large number of people were killed. In 2014, guns were used in 68 percent of the total 14,000 murder cases registered in the US. A study commissioned by the government itself revealed the fact that about 1300 children under the age of 17 are injured by guns in America every year. The US administration will have to curb not only the ‘gun culture’ but also the weapon culture, now it will have to change its mindset to make the world livable.

The United States has seen at close quarters the consequences of petty quarrels or unnecessary paranoia after carrying a deadly weapon, where it kills hundreds of people every year. Any sensitive society should see and understand this situation as a serious problem. It is not without reason that in America, where most families have had different types of guns; voices have started rising against this weapon culture. It was very important to raise this voice, according to the saying that sooner or later, America’s eyes are open, and then a message of peace and non-violence will go to the world with America. Certainly, it was absolutely necessary to control this culture of violence in America.

Because America is today the biggest hub of crime in the world and today it is a victim of the culture of violence it spread in the world. It is obvious that the incidents of firing there have been taking the lives of hundreds of people, which were not incidents of Islamic terrorism, and then what was it? It is a question that exposes American civilization. Is this a product of America’s materialistic and violent culture? Realizing the mental trauma and other difficulties of the victims, US President Joe Biden on Tuesday took a meaningful initiative towards curbing gun abuse. Under this, the ‘background check’ done during the sale of guns will be improved. Through this, Biden has directed the cabinet to create a better government system to support communities struggling with gun violence. It is not hidden that the kind of mental trauma and other difficulties that those who lose a loved one in unprovoked firing have to deal with.

The mentality of ‘do what you want’ thrives where the values of human relationships have ended, where children grow up independent in an individualistic system. In the situation of ‘not in a good mood’, an event is just an event, it neither gives happiness nor sorrow. In such a situation man dwarfs his infinite powers. This is a stereotypical way of expressing inner turmoil. Such people do not have a decent and non-violent way of living right. There is no recognition of time. In such people, there is no special concern for dignity, etiquette, intimacy of relations, peaceful co-existence etc. Material comforts become the ultimate goal of life. Such isolation among American citizens is fueling deep frustration, intense resentment, and venomous vindictiveness. They become mentally ill and commit murder using dangerous and deadly guns available with them. Actually, the psychology associated with having a weapon in hand works behind firing a gun in a fit of rage on trivial matters.

 Even so, much of the distortion and brutality in the nature of violence depends on the availability of weapons. Such incidents of murder usually happen because a man in a frenzy who could not control his anger or frustrations had a gun available when he was angry. Such cases are common, in which even after reaching the peak of anger and excitement in a mutual debate, two people or parties are reconciled, because they did not have weapons at the time of the dispute.

America is becoming a cultureless country – this nation is riding on physical development and weapon culture. The citizens there can keep as many arms as they want. In some places even a license for arms is not required. There are very few homes in America that do not have a gun or pistol. This weapon culture of America is connected with its birth. It has become prosperous on this weapon culture and has ruled the world. Today the same violent weapon culture is taking a heavy toll on its own.

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