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France riots: The Peak passed?

France is on political unrest for more than a week now. French President Emmanuel Macron mentioned on July 4 that the peak of riots has passed. The interior ministry said that dozens of buildings were damaged, attacks on police were also carried out but no casualties have been reported. More than 100 vehicles have been set ablaze on fire. The government deployed almost 2,000 policemen to deal with the violence.

|| By Tanishq Mohan

The riots first broke out in Paris since “Nahel Merzouk” was shot by French police in his own car. Massive protests erupted following this incident. France is bracing for further protests after this incident happened. French President Emmanuel Macron said that this incident has moved the entire nation.

Nahel Marzouk was a boy of Algerian origin. On June 27, 2023, Nahel was asked to stop his driving Mercedes AMD car by the French Police. On the contrary to it, he refused to stop and attempted to rush from the spot with his car. The French police fired a shot in response to this. The shooting resulted in the death of Nahel at the place.

It is said that Nahel’s mother had posted a video on TikTok platform calling for a tribute march for her son. He was the only son of his parents living in suburb Nanterre.

In response to the death of teenager, violent clashes erupted on a large scale throughout the country. Public and private property is being vandalized, and clashes erupted between the police and protestors. Protestors are now on the street against the French authority. Among all this Emmanuel Macron had to cancel his visit to Germany in the light of ongoing riots in his country.

Celebrities and Politicians expressed outrage and grief at the death of the teenager.

President Emmanuel Macron responded to it calling the act as “unforgivable”.

Several schools, police stations, town halls have been targeted by fires. Products worth millions of Euros have been looted from local to premium brand stores like Louis Vuitton. The long going protests have look to slow down with time.

The incident is being challenged on the grounds of racism as well. The incident is being compared with the murder of George Floyd in the US back in 2020. The 46 years old man was choked to death by an American Policeman – Derek Chauvin. Both these cases contain constituents of racism against the black skinned people.

The protest of students in France has been going on for more than a week. The violence seems to be coming to the rest.”Is it a permanent return to calm? I will be cautious, but the peak that we’ve seen in previous days has passed”,  Macron said.

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