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G. Mehul Krishna Kumar’s “Lucid Dream’s” is a mesmeric book to read amid the pandemic

A typical bollywood entertainer inscribed in the pages of a book is what G. Mehul Krishna Kumar’s, debut novella Lucid Dream’s: Lets Redefine Love all about.

The story takes you into an innocent yet pure world of love, in an all new approach of redefining love. As the title speaks for itself, Mehul has brought a powerful story that explains love in an all new way. The beauty of the book is the strong emotional depictions of every single character in the story. The intangible feel of the characters emotions can be felt by a reader as if it is happening around. A well written emotion is brought out, polished to the core and thoroughly used to make the readers reap its full strength.

The novella tells the tale of Aman Kumar alias AK- who is a rockstar by profession and like any sadist musician has a heart that was once broken badly by a girl named Reshmi Pandey. This is the story of two lovers who loved each other but were destined to stay apart. Their dream of being together is tested high by the hard hitting facts of life. A love story that involves the emotions of their family and friends results in a rollercoaster ride that comes to an end when a lucid dreamer arrives and makes things looks perfect. The ending may give you a perfect family filled with love but every perfect family has a brutal past that stands on sacrifice.    

A beautiful love story that unravels the emotional turbulences that comes with love and the eventual survival through heartbreaks and struggles. The story moves in a very smooth pace that even before you know, you would have finished the book and that too in one sitting. The language and the narration technique that the book exhibits add to the charm of the book and the whole reading experience. The author proved his magic with words and ability to weave magical yet such raw emotional journeys with such panache.

Author G. Mehul Krishna Kumar

Overall the story takes you into an innocent, pure world. A world full of longings, promises and also romance. There is a tint of sadness in some pages, not at all soapy-emotional. But just a little turn of phrase would give a beautiful turn to the story. But that’s what the author does; he doesn’t need huge paragraphs to make his point. He can make a story hit straight into your hearts with just a few carefully chosen words. In particular one thing special about this book is that, it’s a perfect mixture of the tale and soft romance writings. Some stories are so realistic that one feels that the main characters are none other than the author himself. Truly magical yet so romantic!

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