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Has the country dis-joined into a Hindu-Muslim?

There is an atmosphere of the political blame game in this assembly elections-2020 of the country’s national capital.
|| Karamvir Kamal

Three major parties of the country are busy in their election campaign. Some are offering promises and others are reminding voters about their old promises. The most prominent issue of this election in the National capital is based on the religion of radical mindsets. The religious market is hot in the country these days. Religious comments, votes in the name of religion not voting in the name of religion is also termed as the treason. Above all ‘Shaheen Bagh’ is trending at the top in this religious spectrum.

About 13 years ago, Mamta used to work with me in a company. It seems that even today we talk to each other and share our thoughts and feelings.

Until recently, our discussion was limited to our jobs, our financial positions, and some domestic issues. We used to worry about our EMI every month.

A discussion of EMI was made almost every month. Rising inflation was also a matter of concern for us.

But in our recent previous talk, Mamta mentioned ‘Shaheen Bagh’.

At this time, she was worried about her religion more than her household expenses and EMI. She tried to reflect her mindset at the time of our discussion that people of a particular religion have been sitting on the Protest for the past several days against a new law of this nation on Citizenship.

Now she is also wondering why these people are there?

What she is feeling is not a matter of concern.


My concern is that in which direction the country is going on?


 Are we the people merely stacked on religion?


Or we are being deliberately limited to religion. And all this is being done under a well-planned conspiracy?

The word ‘Indian’ has disappeared from our hearts and has been replaced by words like Hindu and Muslim.

If it is called internal terrorism then it will not be wrong anywhere. 

The country has now moved beyond rhetoric in the name of religion. On the border, where terrorists shoot with the slogan of ‘Allah Hu Akbar’, on the same lines, bullets have fired after chanting the slogan of ‘Jai Shri Ram’. Hindus are now against other religions in this country.

The leaders of our national political party are growing their stature under the flag of ‘Hindutva’ denouncing others against Hindus as traitors.

They want the public to shoot traitors at their behest mean people of other religions. According to these leaders, Muslims have no right to live here. Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath even said that Muslims are not doing any favor for the country by staying here.

A few days ago, due to the fanatical thoughts of some political leaders, the Election Commission had also banned the campaigning of the two-star campaigner of this nation’s top political party. An atmosphere is being created in the country, in which, apart from the people of a particular party, it seems that the whole country is a traitor.

If any one’s view is against the thoughts of this political party, leaders of this party immediately gifted him/her the certificate of the traitor.

Now in this country, political leaders spitting the poisonous slogan like ”DESH KE GADDAROON KO, GOLI MARO…….”It seems these kinds of slogans are not unprecedented but well planned and designed.


The public welfare issues have been lost. Only and only Hindus are being shown the mirror of fear on the name of ‘threat to Hindutva.’

State elections are being treated like international elections. In the elections of the states, the names of countries like Pakistan, Bangladesh, etc. are being raised by political leaders to attract Hindu Voters. Shaheen Bagh is the hot topic in this Delhi Assembly elections-2020 which is ultimately giving strength to religious politics.

Photo Credit-Out Look India
 who did spit what???

Parvesh Verma had said at an election rally, “Keep this note in mind.” This election is not small. This is the election of the country’s identity and unity. If the BJP government is formed on February 11, then within one hour you must not see a single person in Shaheen Bagh.

Parvesh Verma said, “After the BJP government comes, a man will not be seen in Shaheen Bagh. I am going to promise you that if my government is formed in Delhi, then give me one month. In my Lok Sabha constituency, as many mosques are built on government land, I will demolish all within a month.

Anurag Thakur

A video of Anurag Thakur was trended in this recent past, in which he is seen shouting slogans from the stage during addressing a public gathering in Rithala, Delhi, “Desh Ki Gaddaroon Ko, Goli Maro …”

People gathered there also shouted the slogan repeating “DeshKi Gaddaron Ko, Goli Maaro…..”.

After this, Anurag Thakur was seen saying from the stage, “The voice should reach Giriraj Ji.”

In an interview given to the BBC, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath said in response to a question that, they(Muslims) did not do any favors for the nation. They(Muslims) did not favor India. The partition of the country should have been opposed.

The partition of India should have been opposed. Everyone should support those things which are in India’s interest. But those who are against India should be strongly opposed. This is what our patriotism denotes and this is also the responsibility of every citizen of India. Not at the behest of Yogi or not at the behest of Modi Ji, if it is in the interest of India, then support it and if it is against India, then oppose it.


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