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How Roy Riddhinil helped influence entrepreneurship in Northeast India

Riddhinil Roy is a Guwahati-born & Bangalore-made entrepreneur. He is known for his grassroot projects undertaken in the developing region of Northeast India, his native.Riddhinil’s schooling and upbringing has been in the state of Assam.In an article on Bangalore Mirror, Riddhinil shares how his upbringing in Northeast India has made him stay focussed in designing solutions for the region with an entrepreneurial mindset.

In 2012, aimed at connecting overall students community for in-campus utilities and network, Riddhinil initiated Connective+ a simplified e-campus dashboard.As an idea-phase project it was recognised by Hay Group among NEXT BIG 100 Ideas.By 2014, spearheading global community in life sciences domain, Riddhinil helped build community group under the banner of Biocognizance for aspirants, researchers in biotechnology field bridging the gap between biotech academia and industry
Recently he has been speaking at seminars on entrepreneurship and also judging hackathons in which young talents are encouraged to create solution to problem sets. Early 2016 at the Jawaharlal National College of Engineering, Shivamogga he was invited as a judge for a smart city hackathon challenge. But unfortunately due to travel issues he could not attend the attend.This was another crucial moment of Riddhinil’s life, this clearly meant why talents from Assam never come back to serve the Northeast India and get settled outside or atleast prefer to.He immediately had a word over the next few months with his connections in Northeast India to check the status of the growing startup ecosystem in the region.

Thus was born “NE8x®” an exclusive startup accelerator platform that is meant at encouraging the startup ecosystem in the Northeast India region and helping accelerate growth stage startups in various fields from this diverse region.His team has launched platforms online. 3 weeks after NE8x® tied up with 34+ corporate partners 54+ mentor signups and more than 24+ registered startups already and in partnership with entrepreneurship cell of most of the colleges in the region. NE8x® has held seminars in Guwahati, Imphal, Aizawl and outreach centers at Delhi, Bangalore on entrepreneurship development. At NE8x®, Riddhinil and his team is leading for a whole new ecosystem change for making Assam and Northeast India investment friendly I innovative entrepreneurs and a wider societal encouragement system in the domain of entrepreneurship and making the youth “job creators”

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