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Srinivasa Gowda: Kambala buffalo jockey reportedly runs faster than Usain Bolt.

|| Anjan Kumar Samal

A Karnataka villager and Kambala jockey has become an overnight sensation after he won the traditional buffalo race, covering 142.50 meters in just 13.62 seconds. The timing was enough to make 28-year-old Srinivasa Gowda the fastest runner in the history of the traditional sport of the coastal region, breaking a 30-year-old record. It also led to comparisons with Olympic Gold Medalist Usain Bolt’s world record sprint of 100 meters in just 9.58 seconds.

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Srinivas Gowda’s record-breaking victory turned him an overnight sensation

Many people across the country are comparing him with the fastest Olympic Gold Medalist sprinter Usain Bolt.

28-year-old Gowda has been participating in Karnatak’s traditional ‘Kambala’ race. It is an annual traditional buffalo race.

In this race, he astonishingly managed to cover 142.50meter in just 13.62 seconds. If this distance and time will be calculated based on a 100-meter distance, the time within which he crossed 100 meters will be less than 9.58 seconds.

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This kind of world record was set earlier by Usain bolt in the year 2009 at Berlin Athletic Championships.

The governing body for Kambala has warned against comparing him with a bolt. After the Kambala race, Gowda could manage to attract the attention of India’s Sports Minister.

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Sports Minister Kiran Rijiju has offered support to Srinivas Gowda. The sports Minister eventually invited Gowda for the trial under the supervision of SAI(Sports Authority of India). The super action of .his accomplishment was also shared by Randeep Hooda and Anand Mahindra.

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Meanwhile, Gowda has found extremely humble in his comparison with Usain Bolt.

Profession wise, Mr. Gowda is a construction worker in Madurai. Right from his childhood, he was interested in buffalo race.

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After relentless practice and training, he became a ‘Kambala jockey’.So far, he has won 29 awards in 12 Kambala races. The government of India should step ahead to recognize and establish his born talent and should train him for the Olympic.

Last but the least is that he gives all the credit to his beloved buffaloes.

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It reflects one of Incredible India’s ancient quote ‘” the branches of a tree laden with fruit bend downward”. just as the highly cultivated persons bow down out of respect to others. The unwise, however, like the dry log that never bends.

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