
International Albinism Awareness Day :13 June 2018


Albinism: “The battle continues, but we are gaining ground”

Albinism in human is a purely a birth defect which Biologically is termed as Congenital Disorder.It is also signalized by the unmitigated or partial absence of required pigments in the skin, hair and eyes. This Birth defect also leads a number of vision defects .An absence of skin pigmentation initiates more vulnerability to sunburn and skin cancer. It is also known as Pigmentation disorder or Dyschromia in Biology and Medical Science. In simple way to understand  the Biological word Dyschromia we may describe it as an alteration of the color of the skin or nails.

As Albinism ,  a born defect and also not in the hands of Humans, we therefore must not neglect children effected by this Congenital Disorder  and it is our duty in addition to our utmost responsibility to take care Albinism effected Humans around us without differentiating them for the sake of Humanity and Human Kinds. Also this is the reason for which UN-Human Rights has been declared the day of 13 June to be dedicated  as  International Albinism Awareness Day.

The Independent Expert on the enjoyment of Human Rights by persons effected by ‘Albinism’ takes stock of progress under the theme of the Day ,”Shining our light to the world “while spoke ahead of the International Albinism Awareness Day on 11 June 2018 in Geneva.

The Designated Independent Expert appointed by UN-HUMAN RIGHTS further said,“Today, we celebrate the remarkable contributions of persons with albinism including Goldalyn Kakuya, a 14-year-old girl with albinism, who topped Kenya’s national primary school exams in December and shattered stereotypes and myths. Indeed, it is still often believed that persons with albinism are unable to learn. This prejudice illustrates the particular discrimination they face regarding access to education, including persistent bullying and the absence of reasonable accommodation for the vision impairment that is often part of albinism. Similarly, six women with albinism including victims of attacks and mutilation are currently preparing to reach the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro, shattering myths about albinism from one of the highest points in the world. This campaign is a richly symbolic demonstration of the capabilities of women with albinism.While we celebrate, we take a moment to reflect on those who have been attacked and lost their lives or were mutilated because they have albinism. I am heartened by the commitment to putting these atrocities to an end. Indeed the battle continues, but we are gaining ground.In light of the fundamental pledge made in 2015 by all member states of the United Nations to leave no one behind, starting with the furthest behind first, it is essential for all stakeholders to support persons with albinism in their quest for the enjoyment of their human rights. There are challenges but these are evidently surmountable.”

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