My Story

Life in Lockdown! : Saloni Bhakri

Life in Lockdown! It’s like house arrest without any crime. For some people, lockdown is a boring and isolation period which confines you in the walls. But for some optimistic people, it’s a time and opportunity to know your inner strength and will power to cope up with the situation and come out of it much stronger. I am definitely from the second category. Apart from winning the title of Mrs. India Pride of Nation 2019, I am a mother of two very naughty boys so I have to indulge in activities that interests my kids too. Therefore, first and foremost, Baking healthy cakes, cookies and bread is my expertise now which takes care of their taste buds n health too.

I have definitely become more creative since I have learnt origami, art n craft activities and few notes on piano keyboard.

I am a fitness freak so I have learnt new ways to exercise with kids or may be you can say that I have replaced dumbbells with my kids (hahahhaha).

Meditation, exercise n reading books gives me inner strength n mental peace.

Due to corona virus outbreak, all the events and shoots are either getting postponed or canceled so there is not much to do on the work front but I am definitely trying to motivate people around through my live sessions.

I would like to urge everyone to explore their hidden talents, dreams, desires and make use of this free time to do what you always wanted to and not moan over something which is not in our hands. Enjoy the moment, this moment is your life. If you don’t enjoy a moment, you loose it for life.


PHOTO CREDIT: Saloni Bhakri

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