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Narendra Modi’s Baseless Attack on Rajiv Gandhi: Is It His Frustration?

More than half of the elections have passed and the result will be unearthed just after a Fortnight.

There have been many surveys in the Indian media about the return of India’s current Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Before coming the result ,claiming the return of Modi in Television screens seems nothing but absolutely the return of ‘JUMLA’.

The election survey in the India based  newspapers and TV channels , there is no opposition in front of Modi. In this time, right before the fifth phase of elections, there is a dispute and blame game which was reported from the area of BASTI in the state of Uttar Pradesh.

In his speech, Modi said, “Your leader was made clean by your courtiers by saying Mr. Clean…. Mr. Clean…. which was accompanied by music of beating drums, but  after this in the future course of life Mr. Claen  died with the tag of No. 1 Corrupt. “

 It is said that everything is justified in Love and War.

Elections in India are now seen to be transformed into a war. At least, the pair of  Modi and Shah have changed the elections into the battleground. And when everything is justified …. then lifting corruption allegation against a leader who is no more to even reply , absolutely fingers towards the dignity of India’s present Prime Minister.


In the Narendra Modi government, examples of witching the dignity of effective institutions of Indian democracy have increased in recent times. Opposition parties have raised questions on seven clean chits given to Narendra Modi after one by one. Before this, the use of India’s supreme institutions Supreme Court, CBI, CVC, IB for the vested political interest of the BJP and Narendra Modi also have been alleged by all the Oppositions of NAMO.

In this case, the latest statement  of Modi about former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi is being seen as an example of the continuous straitening and crossing the line of political ethos in democratic India.

The way Narendra Modi has called Rajiv Gandhi as ‘corrupt number one’ is also mess with facts senselessly. If Rajeev Gandhi got the title of ‘No. 1 corrupt without any any facts in files ,then it would have been same as if it would have been preaching Mr. Modi in the past as the ‘Man of Development’ whose ground realities also well known by the Republic of India.

But the Bofors scandal that was charged against the then Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi need to be further discussed with it’s facts in file. In this case of alleged bribe of Rs.64 crores,  no allegation was found against Rajiv Gandhi in the Delhi High Court and the Supreme Court.

It should also be seen in the sense that when Rajiv Gandhi died on May 20, 1991, at that time people  who accused him in that Bofors case were in the government.

But in the mid-term elections, his party had emerged as the biggest party, if he had not died, then there is no doubt that Rajiv would again become the Prime Minister.

Narendra Modi was also active in politics in the year 1991 and was among one of the closest Allie of LK Advani in the Bharatiya Janata Party’s national office in the National Capital.

Effect on image from Bofors scandal

Interestingly, during the Vajpayee’s regime Rajiv Gandhi’s name was removed from the charge sheet of Bofors.

But the second part of Narendra Modi’s statement is going to create a lot of frustration. He has tried to present the death of Rajiv Gandhi  linking it with the allegation of  corruption. The assassination of Rajiv Gandhi was one of the most dangerous extremist attacks in the world. Later, the Indian government honored him with the highest civilian honor of country, Bharat Ratna (posthumously).

The way Indira Gandhi and then Rajiv Gandhi had to suffer in the grip of extremist violence, it has not been found in any corner of the world.

Who Said What……..

(By Anjan K Samal-Special Correspondence Desk-TAC)

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