My Story

New vistas during Lockdown: Akanksha Datta

Covid, Social distancing, self-isolation and lockdown are the new words added to our vocabulary in the year 2020. ‘The new normal’ is another phrase in trend today and each individual has a different perspective, a different meaning and unique experiences related to it. Some prepared themselves well for the lockdown, others are still struggling to cope up and some are just going with the flow.

Social media is flooded with articles, jokes, daily updates, tiktok and news related to coronavirus. Some were interesting, some funny, some silly and some absolutely worth ignoring. But yes the fact remains that this pandemic has united the human race in fighting for one cause. Every country is facing a unique situation which they were unprepared for but are battling it with all their might.

Especially India, a country with a population of 1.3 billion, a nation synonymous with celebrations and festivities has suddenly gone numb. In one part, the streets are stark naked, crowds vanished with no signs of human existence, wild animals wandering on streets wondering where has the civilization gone. Whereas On the other part, the streets crowded with thousands of humans trudging to reach to their destination called home. With bags in hand, no food, no water, no money, no hope, just shattered will power to survive the crisis.

This is definitely an unprecedented experience for all where almost everyone is finding it challenging to adjust to the abrupt change and live with it for an uncertain time period. As for me I was pretty sure the very first day of lockdown that I will make these days count and won’t regret or repent later that I lay them waste and did nothing. I didn’t have an action plan though, yet I was determined to make the most out of it rather than cribbing or complaining. My motto was to stay self-motivated.

An entrepreneur, a crown winner, a model, a storyteller and a blogger, my life before lockdown was occupied with varied activities keeping me creatively engaged. The day lockdown began I knew this indefinite journey inside the four walls with uncountable household chores will be a tough one. So I decided to take it head on. Prioritized my routine, scheduled my work and decided to rediscover myself.

Started with learning new skills, enrolled myself into interesting courses online, and made sure I took out some time to pursue my hobby of drawing and illustrating. I love keeping indoor plants so nurturing them once a week was definitely on my list; I repotted them in different ways and styles. I did experiment some new dishes in the kitchen. Connected with few NGO’s to take online sessions for children. I recorded innovative videos for my blog which was utmost fun. Joined few forums online to connect globally with people related to my field. Being a storyteller, did digital storytelling to stay connected with kids. I made it a point to use my social media wisely. Some days I just rested, listened to music, watched my favorite movies on television didn’t bother much or push myself. For me it was never about passing my time, it was all about nurturing it.

Albert Einstein rightly said, “Adversity introduces a man to himself”. So make sure you spend this lockdown as an opportunity to refurbish and upgrade yourself and come out of it as a renewed personality. Trust me things won’t be the same when all this is over but believe me if you are prepared mentally and emotionally to accept those undesirable changes with optimism and wisdom, life would be much more meaningful and significant.

Akanksha Datta | Entrepreneur and Founder - Akanksha’s Book Club, Storyteller, Blogger, Counselor.
Winner Mrs Delhi NCR 2019, Model, Influencer.
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