India, Which is the Country’s first Advanced Public Grievance Redress Platform

Mr.Shubham Sharma is a leading political strategist, public policy expert, President & CEO of Rajmanch, a platform to ensure effective implementation of the government programmes, Launched, which is the country’s first Advanced Public Grievance Redress Platform with selected top experts working extensively on people’s issues. It is an easy, quick and affordable platform to receive help provided by 500+ legal & human rights Experts across the country.

With million cases still pending in the Indian courts and more being added every year, and an expenditure ranging from 25,000-30,000 to couple of lakhs per case, common people are subjected to everyday harassments with little means to make their voices heard. These experts at Nyaykarta will take all possible steps to resolve the matter including preliminary investigation, communication with opposite party, communication with government authority, consultation etc.

Amidst the nationwide lockdown due to Covid-19 Pandemic, Nyayakarta is also offering completely free assistance to migrant labourers, students, medical workers, economically weak and disabled people.

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