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Society is so much advanced and growing each and every day. New technologies, new ways to earn money, new positions in jobs then why in today’s date there is no respect when it comes to respecting or allowing the female members to live independently?
|| Bristi Adhikary

Let’s jump to the main part of the article RAPING A GIRL CHILD, A WOMAN OR EVEN A GIRL! The famous Nirbhaya case, Aruna Shanbaug case, Mumbai gang-rape, Asifa Bano rape, who did this to them? Why did they punish them? What did the little child of 8 Asifa did which costed her to give her life in such terrifying manner?

Let’s talk about the most recent rape that happened in Ramamurthy Nagar. It was a viral video.  In the viral video a gang of six people and also a woman who were brutally torturing a young girl and inserting a bottle in her private parts. She was gang raped by the accused later. Sagar, Mohemmed Baba Sheikh, Ridoy Babu, and Hakeel are the rapist and the women escaped. The accused are from Bangladesh and Ridoy Babu is the main culprit behind the who story. Let’s get into the detail of the case:

  • It’s believed that Ridoy Babu is known and the most wanted face in Bangladesh. The girl was trapped by him in love and brought to India. The girl is not so literate and she was married in 2014. Looking at the condition Ridoy Babu brought her to India and here he runs a prostitution racket. Bangladesh police was in search of him since before.
  • The video is one week old and the survivor is missing. She is hiding from the rapist. Police is still searching for her.

After knowing the case, the girl was carried away by emotions. It has been a story so common in newspapers and news channels to talk. Until a new victim comes the voice remains cold. We have seen in Nirbhaya case the who nation raised voice for justice. But did the nation tried to bring any change as in making the boys of the society to respect women and girls. I have written a small note which would describe the whole scenario in simple words:

‘Hello there!!!

Welcome to the society

Make sure you are comfortable enough

And love your body

Oh!! No no don’t fall for yourself because

We will allow the males to rape you

Make sure you are confident

But not to because the oldies would make sure you are embarrassed

Smile a lot, we say ‘KHUSH RAHO’

But would prove your efforts are nothing

and nobody give a shit then think why did you frown.

If you are in problem shhhh!!!

Don’t make a sound

Cry with others and mix with the earthly impurities in the ground

Yes, you can fall in love

But we will make efforts and do much of hard work to tear your heart

But still your opinion does matter when it comes to marriage

Welcome to the society

We promise we won’t cheat you

Now because you are finally here

There is no possible way you can actually leave.’

This is Indian society and the mindset would never change. We say men protect women, they take care of their family, they take love for their sisters but no one said they could easily rape if someone else sister or mother hurt emotions, right?

According to the statistics of rape cases in India, of over 338 thousand cases of crime reported against women in India, over 33 thousand were for rape in 2018 and generally rape is done by the person who is close to them. Delhi had the highest number of reported rape cases, with over 1,200 victims in India till now.

The victims face a lot a mental trauma after they face something serious. PTSD, anxiety, and depression are most common among the victims. A feeling of helplessness, shame, defectiveness, and self-blame kill the sense of trusting people around them.

This intimate crime took the women and girls to stop being financially independent and achieving their dreams. Does the matter of 7 years of imprisonment really matter to the rapist? In Section 375 of Indian Penal Code, “any male, who does an intercourse with any female who is below the age of 18, with or without her consent will be constituting a Statutory Rape”. “Whoever, except in the cases provided for by sub-section, commits rape shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which shall not be less than seven years but which may be for life or for a term which may extend to ten years and shall also be liable to fine unless the women raped is his own wife and is not under twelve years of age, in which cases, he shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to two years or with fine or with both: Provided that the court may, for adequate and special reasons to be mentioned in the judgment, impose a sentence of imprisonment for a term of less than seven years.”. This is what the Indian Constitution clearly states.

Dear BOYS AND MEN: Before you look at any girl child of 5 to an old woman in her 60’s think before you touch her that you have your mother and sister who is of the same age group as they are. If some fine day they get raped, would you regret or be happy?

Rape cases are increasing not only India but in foreign countries to. Punishing the rapist is what law does to promote peace and order but this would completely stop if males mind their own business.

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