

ARIES (21 Mar – 20 Apr)

This is a favourable period bringing you love, hope and opportunities. You may feel extra sensitive, creative or child-like. At work, you will be expected to handle everything with maturity. You may also get some creative project in which you need to put your heart and soul into it. In relationships, your partner will woo you with kind words and gestures. If single, you may be attracted towards someone younger than you. Overall a period of love and laughter!!!

 TAURUS (21 Apr – 20 May)

This fortnight you will be held accountable and judged for your responsibilities. You will be given what you deserve. At work, you will be able to take decisions after weighing the pros and cons. In case there is a legal matter going on, it is likely to get resolved in your favor. Relationships will be stable and committed but try and focus on equality. Overall, this is the time of ‘as you sow so shall you reap’.

GEMINI (21 May – 20 Jun)

This fortnight expect some fun, celebrations and victory over obstacles. You may expect completion of projects bringing in the much needed joy, peace and harmony. Your hard work will be acknowledged and appreciated. You may spend ample time with family or relatives. Singles may meet someone exciting at an event or party and those in relationships will attend some wedding or celebration. Overall a happy period giving you ample time to do things you enjoy!

CANCER (21 Jun – 22 Jul)

This fortnight you will find yourself learning with experts and meeting knowledgeable people. You can expect encounter with authority, group or institution or you may simply find yourself following religion, ceremony, rituals, rules & regulations and social approval. You can expect coping with legal matters and important documents. In relationships, avoid being stubborn or having old beliefs. Remember morality and truth can set you free!

 LEO (23 Jul – 23 Aug)

This fortnight you need to balance responsibility and benevolence. You may receive an unexpected gift, money raise or a compliment. You will be able to give and receive generously. Relationships are happy and balanced as long as you avoid being too needy. Just know your worthiness and be kind. Remember what you reap, you sow!

VIRGO (24 Aug – 22 Sep)

This fortnight you may feel a little disappointed so do not expect too much from others. At work, someone may try to belittle you or betray you so avoid sharing your secrets with anyone. In relationships, be considerate about your partner’s feelings and communicate well. Do not take anything or anyone for granted. Overall, it’s a time of introspection and staying in awareness.

LIBRA (23 Sep – 23 Oct)

This fortnight your focus will be on material world – money, time, house, work & relationships. You will be able to support yourself in exactly the way you believe. So, if you think you can’t afford, you won’t and if you think you can afford, you will. Avoid indulging in excess of any kind or being a part of any unethical practices. Keep your expectations low as they disappoint you. Overall, it’s the time to think positive and confront your demons!

SCORPIO (24 Oct – 22 Nov)

This is the best time for love and relationships. You will be able to experience true, deep love and commitment. Singles have a very good chance to meet someone important that can lead to a love romance. At work, you may face a dilemma or inner conflict, so it is advisable to listen to your heart. Try and do different things and learn by opposites. You are likely to meet like minded people who will inspire you and help you grow. Overall it is a very favourable time to feel peace and contentment!

 SAGITTARIUS (23 Nov – 21 Dec)

This is the time to focus on two main priorities in life even though you may be tempted to multi-task. It is the time to be flexible and embrace all challenges. It is also the period of fun, laughter and good times. In relationships, give priority to your relation as there may be few ups and downs. Try and infuse more romance in the relationship. At work, delegate the work when necessary. This is the good time to invest however take calculated risks. Overall, a time to work hard and party harder!

 CAPRICORN (22 Dec – 20 Jan)

This fortnight people will generally be supportive and appreciative of your efforts and work. At work, attention to detail is required. It is also a good time to review what you want and get into action for that. In relationships people will respect you and see you in positive light. Health is good too. Overall, it’s a period of planning and action.

 AQUARIUS (21 Jan – 18 Feb)

This fortnight you can expect completion of projects, victory and accomplishments. You will feel on top of the world! This is a good time of socializing and celebrations. Relationships are strong and committed. If you have been feeling out of place lately, then you will be able to reclaim your power. Overall, a very content and satisfying period ahead!

 PISCES (19 Feb – 20 Mar)

This fortnight you may feel a little unmotivated or simply bored in life. Avoid daydreaming or wishful thinking as procrastination will only distract you from looking at the opportunities presented to you. Try and focus on ‘what you have’ rather than ‘what you don’t have’.

In relationships, instead of being in your own shell, try and connect with your partner. Overall you need to remember that having an escapist attitude won’t change anything, taking action will!

Delhi Based Parul P Agarwal has carved a niche for herself as an Ace Tarot Reader, Numerologist and Past Life Healer. Parul is blessed with the powers of intuition and clairvoyance. With almost a decade long experience in this field, she is trained in multiple spiritual practices.
(Email: parul206@gmail.com, Mob: 9711035400)

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