

The great Indian deforestation movement which became the world famous Google Doodle


The world famous ‘Google Doodle’ made all of  us remember the glory of CHIPKO-MOVEMENT , ‘Chipko’ means Stick to trees and ‘CHIPKO-MOVEMENT’ means stick to trees  by linking hands all together around the tress to provide the physical protection from cutting down the trees.

This unique Movement initiated much before in the past by a lovely and elderly lady named as ‘Gauri Devi’. She was head of a local rural community named as ‘Mahila Mangal Mandal'(Union for Development of Rural Women).When many company men marched to cut down thousands and thousands of trees in North India, this lady did dare to protest with thousands of women against deforestation.

It was during 1730 AD, as many as 363 Bishnois(People of a  ‘Bishnoi ‘Community) sacrificed their eternal bodies for the sake of saving trees .People of this particular community in Rajasthan are followers of the ‘Lord Bishnu’. Lord Bishnu is the God who rules the earth as per Hindu Religious strictures. They even worship a kind of Trees known as ‘Khejri’ and the village from where they belong also is know as’ Khejri Village’.

This Historic Movement to save trees from deforestation is also single of it’s kind across the Globe. This Movement took it’s full shape and impact on and after the year 1973 in Uttarakhand which is well known in India as the State of Gods in the Mighty Himalaya in Northern India.

The man who is a world famous Environmentalist from the State of Uttarakhand roared and recited CHIPKO-MOVEMNET once again. The entire World took it’s importance and noticed this CHIPKO -MOVEMENT as the utmost need of the World and not mere the need of India only.

Many global communities and nature Activists joined hands with Sunderlal Bahuguna and India also learnt a lesson against deforestation and for which this important year of 1973 marked as year from which India every year celebrate remembering the Great  CHIPKO-MOVEMENT.

The  45th Anniversary of this ‘CHIPKO-MOVEMENT’  which the Google Proudly did recite as  on 26th March 2018 in front of the world via it’s Google Doodle.

In this age of Global warming and climate change while even in far interior areas, People despite of being uneducated and illiterate also are trying their best to protect trees and plants by using various unique methods for nature’s protection ,in the same time we the people in urban and Metro Cities look not so much serious and busy in spreading cemented structure on and over our Mother Earth.

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