

ANJAN K SAMAL || Just a 4year old innocent girl was brutally raped in the recent past as on 13th April when all the Media hype was seen in the row of minor’s rape in KATHUA and UNNAO in which our Union govt. seems in trouble. The trouble for many reasons and all other oppositions in one voice also are trying to put into the hole of defame both the BJP and also Mr. Prime Minister.

In this particular case of NILGIRI area stormed the as usual Blame Games which is just 10-11 KM away from the District Head quarter , BALASORE in the Northern Odisha. The incident was taken place on 13th of April when the case registered against the Culprit on 15th April due to fears in the Minds of Rape Victim’s Parents and family members.

The rape accused , Mr. Nityachandan Jena was absconded as soon as complaint lodged by the rape Victim’s Parents from 15th April but due to alertness and quick action by Odisha Police, Mr Jena was nabbed by a special Police Team formulated from the adjacent Dist BHADRAK on 16th April evening that is 100 km away from the area where this ill Mindset of raping a minor had been taken place. The Balasore District Police SP(Superintendent of Police) B. Jugal Kishore informed this arrest via an organized press conference.

A day before this arrest a huge protest and candle March also was experienced by the people of Dist Head Quarter in Balasore city. The said protest was organized by the BJP which was led by the area MLA , Mr. Govind . As the area MLA hails from the BJP , obviously he did accuse the ruling regional political party BJD(Biju Janta Dal).
Before putting this man behind the bar , Odisha Police also in doubt conducted a bunch of search out operations in different other areas like in Keonjhar and Jajpur. In Regard to a doubt full connection of this rape accused with the regional ruling party’s leader is also under the cloud of Police investigation which the District SP , Mr. Jugal Kishore claimed.

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