

Gujarat’s Home Minister Pradeep Singh Jadeja without taking the name of opposition Congress, said that efforts are being made to have the political benefit of  conspiracy of those people who have been out of Gujarat for 22 years . The State Government has the responsibility of providing security to other people coming here from other states.

On Monday in Ahmedabad, people of UP-Bihar were seen leaving the city.Since this row of regionalism ,as many as  20 thousand people have run away from the state of Gujarat.

Mr. Mahesh Singh Kushwaha, President of North Indian Development Council claimed that around 20,000 people of Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Bihar have gone out of Gujarat in view of the prevailing situation.
The disappearance of Hindi-speaking people from Gujarat continued from Monday.

In addition to Chief Ministers of UP and Bihar, Union Minister Ramvilas Paswan has called up CM of Gujarat and expressed concern over the attacks on Hindi-speaking people.

Gujarat’s CM Vijay Rupani appealed to the people of UP-Bihar to return by claiming that the situation is absolutely under control. Additional security forces have been deployed in the industrial areas of the state to protect the non-Gujaratis.The Chief Minister of Gujarat  claimed that there was no incident of attack in the last 48 hours. If anybody has any problem then they can get help from the police.

A leader of Nitish Kumar’s JDU party, writing a letter to Congress president Rahul Gandhi, accused the Congress of violence against the people of Bihar in Gujarat. JD Spokesman Neeraj Kumar alleges that you (Rahul) appointed Congress MLA Ameesh Thakur as co-assistant of the Bihar Congress, whose Political army has engaged in ousting the people of Bihar from Gujarat.

At the same time, Rahul Gandhi said in the tweet that attacks on non-Gujaratis are wrong and I am against it. The main reason for this is the factories shutting down and unemployment is increasing immensely in the state of Gujarat.

“Gujarat is a peaceful state. Those who do not like the development model are spreading this rumors of regionalism, ”Yogi Adityanath, the CM-Uttar Pradesh.

“who has committed a crime should surely be punished, but the rest will not be the same,”Netish Kumar, CM Bihar.

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