My Story

Things we do to make the day effective and purposeful!

When the lockdown was announced for the first time , staying full day at home was rather challenging !
The first one week was difficult….doing house chores with no domestic help around was completely a western idea (literally).

But as is life , slowly and gradually , I started to adjust to the new routine.
I was cooking, (something I never really tried my hands on earlier ), I started to clean up the clutter and got to spend a lot of time at home which would not have been possible otherwise because of the hectic schedule.
So, what to do to make the day effective and productive- well, each day that we spend at home doing house chores while keeping ourselves safe and healthy is a good day!

It’s not a cooking or cleaning competition anyway.

I believe, keeping our minds sane (good reading) and our bodies healthy (yoga/excercise/ healthy eating )is the best way to make the day productive!

Also, since I’m an actor, shooting from home and conducting online grooming classes is something that keeps my productivity high!

One more thing that we can do apart from paying our domestic help their salaries (even though they aren’t coming home ) is that we can contribute towards helping the poor and needy in all the ways possible. That will also give a lot of mental peace and will be purposeful!

So, let’s keep working and let’s keep being positive.
And surely, This too shall pass!

Namrata Senani Garg  | Mrs. Delhi NCR 2017
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