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UN NEWS:UN DGC Civil Society Unity


‘Act now with ambition and urgency’ to tackle the world’s ‘grave climate emergency’, UN chief urges UAE meeting

The world is facing “a grave climate emergency”, Secretary-General António Guterres told a climate meeting in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) capital of Abu Dhabi on Sunday, urging all participants to “seize this opportunity to take bold climate action”. Read more…

About Abu Dhabi Climate Meeting: 30 June – 1 July 2019

Youth Climate Summit – 21 September 2019

Young people between the ages of 18 and 29 are invited to attend the Youth Climate Summit on September 21, and the UN seeks strong participation from young leaders in the Global South. To attend the summit, interested youth must apply by July 19. Attendees will be selected based on their demonstrated commitment to addressing the climate crisis and their displayed leadership in advancing solutions.

Climate leaders under the age of 18 have the opportunity to attend through a nomination process. Organizations interested in nominating young leaders under the age of 18 should email Yassamin Ansari ( for additional information.
For all information, visit
Apply to participate

Become an SDG 360° Media Creator

Calling all youth worldwide! What action for the Sustainable Development Goals is most needed in your community, what examples or solutions have you found? Share your perspectives and take positive action toward the SDGs creating 360° media and share #MYWorld360. an initiative by Digital Promise Global, the United Nations SDG Action Campaign, and Oculus. Learn more at
My World 360 Programme Guide

Launch of the UN Strategy and Plan of Action on Hate Speech 

On 18 June, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres launched the UN Strategy and Plan of Action on Hate Speech, which sets out strategic guidance for the UN system to address hate speech at the national and global level. It also includes ways the UN Secretariat can support the work of the Resident Coordinators in addressing and countering hate speech. Its objectives are twofold: first, to enhance UN efforts to address root causes and drivers of hate speech; and second, to enable effective UN responses to the impact of hate speech on societies.

Access the UN Strategy and Plan of Action on Hate Speech PDF.

Watch the speech of the Secretary-General and the Special Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide.

Watch the Secretary-General’s stakeout with news correspondents following the launch.

Rural Development Report 2019

Nearly 1 billion of the world’s 1.2 billion youth aged 15-24 live in developing countries, almost half of them in rural areas. IFAD’s Rural Development Report 2019, Creating opportunities for rural youth, finds that this population can pay a rich dividend in terms of social and economic growth – but only if given the right opportunities. Yet, are current development policies and investments enabling youth in rural areas become more productive, connected and in charge of their future? This report is a rallying cry to policymakers and development practitioners to invest, and conceive rural youth development policies as part of broader rural development strategies. #RDR2019


UNHCR’s global trends in forced displacement – 2018 figures

The number of people fleeing war, persecution and conflict exceeded 70 million in 2018 – the highest level that UNHCR has seen in its almost 70 years. UNHCR reports on the state of force displacement.

SAVE THE DATE: Equator Prize 2019 Award Ceremony

The Equator Prize 2019 Award Ceremony will be held on 24 September 2019 at Town Hall theater in Midtown Manhattan, New York City. The event will celebrate the groundbreaking successes of the Equator Prize 2019 winners, and provide a platform to promote local action for climate and development. For more information, please contact us at


(Sources-UN DGC Civil Society Unity)

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