

Baba Ramdev has given An Anti-BJP statement in the capital city of  Bhopal in Madhya Pradesh. Baba Ramdev’s statement in regard to the state of unemployment came to lime light when Madhya Pradesh stands in the brink of coming Assembly election.

This statement may trouble the ‘shivraj-sarkaar’ in the state.  Baba Ramdev, who was present in the capital of Madhya Pradesh  to attend a private event. He said that the Central and State Governments  both really are not able to do as much work as they should in the direction of providing minimum employment to our educated youths.

Let us know that in the end of this year, elections in Madhya Pradesh will be held and this kind of statement from own  supporter and loyal  must trend both the BJP and Shivraj Singh back-foot.

He also said that we gave jobs to 11 thousand people in sales department in one month. In the coming 6 to 7 months, 20 thousand people will be given jobs. He further even unearthed that we have given jobs to 1500 people only in the state of Madhya Pradesh. So here I came to aware you all.

Baba Ramdev further said that lack of job and employment along with hunger are just like black-marks   on the forehead of Bharat Mata(India).

We have to eliminate them. When asked about Akhilesh Yadav’s state tour, he said, “We are yogis, what do we mean by this?”

However, Baba Ramdev refused to give any statement on CM Shivraj’s Janarashirvad Yatra. On the question related to the incident of Swami Agnivesh, Baba Ramdev said that attack and beating like this is not acceptable in a democratic country .

Apart from this, when questions were asked by media on the status of him as the Minister of State in his native land, he promptly replied,” Baba Ramdev is such a cleric who is neither a minister, nor a chief minister”.


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